Pregnant women who live in smog-filled areas may be twice as likely to have children with autism, a new study suggests.[more]
As of now we test also Vitamin D & Porphyrins[more]
Topic: Testing for Sodium and Potassium in Blood, Urine or Hair [more]
Researchers from the University of Berkeley, Ca measured the content of the most common toxic metals in 32 lip stick products and found that most contained high levels of aluminum and titanium. High levels of lead were found in...[more]
This first in a series by E.Blaurock-Busch, presents basic information and statistics about autism, explaining the detoxification pathway and what can be done, inexpensively and effectively. [more]
Topic: Breast Cancer Information[more]
A healthy gut bacteria should be the aim in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. Concerned parents and patients must still be made aware that microbiological testing of feces MUST be done in a local laboratory,...[more]